RAC Questions & Answers - Rate Design
This page will be updated frequently with questions & answers by topic.
Rate Design Topics Include:
- Objectives of rate design
- Rate design trends
- Industry case studies
- Cost model of providing service
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- Objectives of rate design
- Rate design trends
- Industry case studies
- Cost model of providing service
Questions & Answers:
- CPS used to have a budgeted payment plan – is that option not in place any longer? (Answered)
- What is the energy burden for CPS Energy customers?
- How has the CARE program impacted disconnections , customer programs, and solar access. Has it impacted use?
- Should the CPS Energy RAC consider “Business Development” as a rate design principle?
- Should encouraging conservation be a household affordability issue and could it be a penalty to low or fixed income households?
- What are the missing, new or innovative programs given all utility are transitioning to reduce carbon, extreme weather, and responding to the growing income wealth gap?
- Can you explain why "decarbonization" is a good thing -- a worthwhile goal?
- What is the utilization of the current programs CPS offers to assist folks to get their arms around their usage and budgeting for their energy costs.
- How do we re-energize or renew the current rebate programs already in place, e.g., insulation, appliances, etc?
- What are the CPS rates and or new distribution assets needed for new and large customers that can be paid by economic development grants that typically pay for infrastructure?
- Recently ERCOT has been sending notices via text message to reduce use when usage is high. I participate in the current smart thermostat program and receive notices when CPS will take over my thermostat. This program did not kick in and I am assuming it's because folks responded appropriately to the ERCOT notices and there was enough of a reduction in use the CPS level didn't need to kick in.
- Report from Sierra Club regarding STEP Program