RAC Questions & Answers - General: CPS Energy & Industry
This page will be updated frequently with questions & answers by topic.
General: CPS Energy & Industry Topics Include:
- Business & operating model
- Financial objectives & outlook
- Rate benchmarking
- Energy efficiency & demand response
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- Objectives of rate design
- Rate design trends
- Industry case studies
- Cost model of providing service
Questions & Answers:
- What is R&R? (Answered)
- What is Non-Fuel O&M? (Answered)
- What is the G&A? (Answered)
- Where are cost savings shown? (Answered)
- What are the past due amounts by customers? (Answered)
- What is the difference between residential & commercial rates? (Answered)
- When was the last Cost of Service done? (Answered)
- Why is the usage in Texas higher than other states? (Answered)
- What is the difference between R&R and O&M? (Answered)
- If customers are using twice as much energy in Texas why are others bills so much higher? (Answered)
- How will pending legislature going to affect proposed rate increase?
- Please explain how the maintenance cost for solar customers is allocated
- Please provide details on all the community programs
- What were the past due balances prior to the pandemic? (Answered)
- What is the utility burden of some of the additional programs being proposed?
- How is Senate Bill No 3 going to impact rates? (Answered)
- What are the differences between Memphis, San Antonio, Austin, El Paso and Denver rates? (Answered)
- STEP Program questions (Answered)
- How can you connect population growth to load growth? (Answered)
- Where is the funding going for solar programs? (Answered)
- How is REAP funded?